It's Gio Y'all

"Hello Worlding" since 1989

SQL: Death by Database

I haven’t heard much about SQL until I started reading about the next chapter of our bootcamp. I feel a little ignorant by saying this, but I’ve never stopped to think about the importance of databases in the web. I guess I’ve always seen it as a black box.

Current Mood: First Project PANIC

Is that time of the year, you get your first project and you stare at the blank page (or maybe black in this case) of your text editor and the panic hits you: WHERE DO I START?

Music for Coding

The Music Library CLI program was one of the hardest I’ve encountered so far. And it makes sense, we’re finally putting together all the pieces that we’ve being given in order to create something that is familiar to us. However, when I started coding this program, it didn’t make much sense what I was doing exactly so I thought of breaking it down here to give myself a better understanding of it.

CLI: Opening the door for the outside world

The concept of command line it’s very interesting. Regardless of it’s crudeness, CLI applicatios is the first taste that we have on humans interacting with your program.

Hello World

I took a total of three programming classes while I was in college: Basic, C++ & Java. Every class starts the same, posting the “Hello World” message; so I figured since this is the first blog I would like to say Hello (blog) World in my own way.