It's Gio Y'all

"Hello Worlding" since 1989

JS+Rails Project: Contact Book

The App

The app that I decided to build is a single page application that compiles all your contacts in a list. Every contact is a JS object with a name, a phone number and an email address. So this is basically a web version of what you would find on your phone or on Outlook when you tap or click on contacts. At the top of the app there’s a form to enter a new contact, if you double click on the phone or email you’ll be able to edit it and there’s also a delete button under each contact that removes the contact from the list.

Rails Project: Make It Or Break It.

And we’re back in the saddle with Rails. One would think that with all the magic that Rails provides you with, this project should be a piece of cake, right? Wrong.

Custom Validations

Whenever we create an account or log in into a website, we get errors if we don’t do what we’re supposed to do. For example, if we want to create an account in any website and we select a username that someone else has, the website will throw an error to us to let us know that it couldn’t creat the account because the username was taken. Or if we want to log in and we type the wrong password, we would also get an error telling us that we couldn’t log in because the password doesn’t match. So how does the app knows all these?

.select method

The idea behind this post is to explain the importance of knowing your shortcuts. If you know this, it’ll save a lot of time and words typed.

Project #2: Let Sinatra Sing!

The first thing we need to do when starting a (/any) new projects is to sit down, and read carefully what it’s asked of us. We need to know the requirements in order to know where to start, how to start and what we need to do before we can focus on the aesthetics of it.